Read It Yourself
The Talent Show
It's time for the Harmony School talent show! There are lots of talented kids, but who will win – Alex and her rock band the A-Stars or street dancers Ziggy and the Zigzags?
- Type: Hardback
- Page Count: 48 Pages
- Suitable for: 6-7 years
Contact your local distributor for purchase options.
Learning Materials
Answer Keys and Lesson Plans
Audio UK
Series Overview
The Talent Show is from Confident Reader Level 3. It is perfect for children aged 6–7 years who are developing greater reading confidence and stamina, and who can independently read simple stories with a wider vocabulary.
Read It Yourself is a series of modern stories, traditional tales and first reference books written in a simple way for children who are learning to read in English.
Beginner Reader Level 0 is a twelve-step programme to support children who are developing their phonics reading skills. It introduces new letters and sounds in a systematic order.
Levels 1 to 4 are written for children who are moving beyond phonics and gaining reading confidence and fluency. Each book includes simple sentences and high-frequency words, as well as a limited number of new words for essential reading practice.
Each book has been thoroughly checked by educational consultants and includes tips for helping children with their reading, as well as comprehension puzzles and book band information.
With five levels to take children from first phonics to fluent reading, Read It Yourself helps every child on their journey to becoming a confident reader.